Sunday, August 17, 2014

Textbook Review: Ewha Korean 2-1 English Version

If you're looking for a book that contains enough information in to keep you actively learning for a few months and that is also small enough to carry around with a notebook, this may be the one for you.
It has been a little bit more than six months since I bought this book (along with the rest of the series) and I have really had a great time learning with it. The content is very straightforward and easy to read while the book is colorful and full of information that is relevant to the topics being taught.

The beginning of the book is a long preface written in both English and Korean followed by a small list of contents and a longer list that is the table of contents, which are both pictured below:

After these pages is a long forward, followed by a bunch of text telling you exactly how to use the book and figure out what sections are for what. It's pretty simple to understand but it's nice that they include instructions for people who need it. Now onto to the good stuff.

The book features a little overview of each chapter at the beginning and tells you exactly what grammar points you'll be learning in it. Generally, each chapter has about three different parts that contain three or so different sub parts or exercises within them. The sections also include vocabulary in little notes on the left side of every page. Then there is a reading section to supplement what was taught throughout the chapter. The sub exercises contain specific objectives such as:

준비합시다 (Preparation), 들어 봅시다 (Listening), 읽고 써 봅시다 (Reading and Writing), and 말해 봅시다 (Speaking). 

Each of these have some kind of practice that, as far as I have seen, doesn't include any scenarios where you need a partner like those in books meant for classroom use. That makes it perfect for self learners. This particular textbook features 12 different main characters throughout that are each from different parts of the world and are students (aside from one office worker). I was used to seeing only American fictional characters who were typically named John or James used in textbooks and I'm so glad to see this one using characters from all over the world. It makes studying a bit more enjoyable than the dry chunks of black and white text I was accustomed to before. The included CD is also a very great addition and very necessary in my opinion. There are activities that require you to listen to a track of the CD in order to answer the questions.

One of the greatest aspects of this textbook for me are the 문화 알아보기(Recognize Culture[?]) reading sections. They actually contain information about things that are useful to know such as why Koreans ask your age at the first meeting, what to call your upperclassmen, and more. It even includes the translation at the bottom of each tiny article. After that, you are given more questions that are less related to the chapter but can be of use.
Finally, there are answers of exercises from all seven sections. Unfortunately, certain practice sections aren't included in the answer key in the back. It's a shame because it would be great to know if you're right or wrong, but for some reason they were not added. Even so, it's pretty extensive compared to the textbooks I've attempted studying with that had not even a single answer for anything. Needless to say, I put those down pretty quickly.

Of course the back of the book has an index but it's not pictured in this review. 

Overall, if I were to rate this book, I'd give it a 9 out of 10. It loses a point with me because of it not including the answers to all questions. If it did, I would for sure rate it a 10. I would recommend this book any day to anyone who is at the higher beginner stages or even low intermediate. At my current stage, there are a lot of grammar points in it that I do know, but also a quite a few that I didn't know. There are even many vocabulary words I didn't know.

The CD included in this book is made for CD Players that are from the region of Asia. So if you do purchase, it will not work on any other regions CD Player. I found out the hard way so this is a warning. However, you can still play and rip the CD onto your computer and sync to a mp3 player if you chose.

[Book Description]

Page : 160 pages

- Size : 7.4 x 10 in ( 188 x 254 mm )
- Language : Written in English & Korean Language (Hangul)
- ISBN-13 : 9788973008858
- ISBN-10 : 8973008854
- Publisher : Ewha Womans University Ewha Language Center
- Contents : Book + CD

If you want to purchase this book from where I did, click here.

This book was purchased by me and is not sponsored in any way, shape, or form. What's written here are my carefully formed opinions and by no mean reflect the publishing company or author. The photos here are also personally taken by me with no copyright infringement intended.

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