Monday, August 18, 2014

100 Day Challenge 8-18-14: 10 Vocabulary Per Day

I've decided to give myself a little push for the next few months by adding a challenge to my study schedule. I have such a difficult time learning new vocabulary because I either try to cram in 100 words in one sitting or I just can't be bothered with trying to learn new words at all. It's really a problem since there's not much I can talk, write, or read about if I don't expand my vocabulary. So I'll be picking out 10 vocabulary each day from various sources. Today in particular, I'm picking out from the book "Korean Vocabulary Practice for Foreigners" which I purchased about four months ago. I have barely opened it since I bought it, but it seems like it can be really helpful for acquiring new vocabulary. I haven't used it enough to review it, but in a week or so I should have broken it in a bit. Anyways, here are the 10 vocabulary words to start of my 100 days. I include the pronunciation of each word in brackets, details about what kind of word it is, related words, antonyms, synonyms, possible expressions, grammar usage, and examples.

1. 걸다 [걸다] v.
to hang

  • To attach something for the top to a hook, piece of sting, etc. This is a ㄹ- verb.
    • Usage: N에 N을/를 걸다
    • Expression: 벽에 그림을 걸다 to hang the picture on the wall
    • Example: 가족사진을 벽에 걸었어요 I hung the family picture eon the wall.

2. 넣다 [너타] v.
to put in
    • Usage: N에 N을/를 넣다
    • Expression: 지갑에 돈을 넣다. to put money in the wallet
    • Example: 가방에 책을 넣었어요. I put the book in the bag.

3. 놓다 [노타] v.
to lay
    • Usage 1: AV어/아/여 놓다
    • Usage 2: N에 N을/를 놓다
    • Expression: 책상 위에 책을 놓다 to place the book on the desk
    • Synonym:두다 to place
    • Example: 식탁 위에 수저를 놓았습니다. I laid the eating utensils on the table.

4. 올려놓다 [올려노타] v.
to put above
    • Usage: N에 N을/를 올려놓다
    • Expression: 책상 위에 가방을 올려놓다 to place the bag on top of the desk
    • Antonym: 내려놓다 to put below
    • Example: 기스레인지 위에 주전자를 올려놓았어요. I placed the kettle on top of the gas range.

5. 문방구 [문방구] n.
stationary store
    • Synonym: 문구정 stationary shop
    • Example: 학교 근처에 문방구가 많아요. There are many stationary stores near the school.

6. 서점 [서점] n.
    • Synonym: 책방 bookshop
    • Example: 오늘 서점에 가서 책을 많이 사 왔어요. I bought many books from the bookshop.

7. 시장 [시장] n.
    • Usage: N시장
    • Expression: 수산 시장
    • Example: 바다 근처 수산 시장에 가면 싱싱한 회를 사서 먹을 수 있어요. If you go to a fish market near the sea you can buy fresh fish and eat it.

8. 우체국 [우체국] n.
post office
    • Related Words:
      • 편지 letter
      • 우표 postage stamp
      • 소포 package
    • Example: 우체국에서 소포를 보냈어요. I sent a package at the post office.

9. 주유소 [주유소] n.
gas station
    • Example: 주유소마다 기름 값이 달라요. Every gas station has different prices.

10. 편의점 [펴니점] n.
convenient store
    • Example: 편의점은 24시간 문을 열어요. The convenient store is open 24 hours.

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