Friday, August 15, 2014

A Beginning Two Years in the Making

Starting out with a new language is difficult. Even more so when your learning it on your own. There even comes a point after you being learning where you're not too sure what level you're at or what you should be trying to learn next. That's where I am at the moment. I've been learning for about two or so years and at times I feel as if I'm at a higher intermediate level, but then there are times where I feel like a beginner who's back at the first step. So I've decided to make this blogger to document everything I can from here on out about my journey in learning Korean. I want to be able to post reviews of books that I've had a chance to try out and write about what has helped me thus far in learning what I do know. I'd also like to post some random things about conversations I have with my Korean friends, Korean Pop Culture, and any other Korean related topics. But mostly, I hope to talk about the Korean Language in general and help people over come hurdles that I may have already faced while learning.

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