Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Textbook Review: Ewha Korean Workbook 2-1 English Version

A couple days ago, I posted a review about the Ewha Korean textbook that I purchased six months ago from here. Along with it, I decided to pick up the workbook so I could get in a bit more practice than the textbook offered. The structure of it is very similar to that of the textbook when it comes to the way it's laid out.

The content is aimed to help you further develop your understanding of the grammar points and vocabulary taught in the textbook. The practice exercises include:

  • Multiple Choice
  • Fill In The Blanks
  • Short Responses
  • True or False
  • Extended Response
  • ....etc.

Unlike the textbook, this book doesn't include colorful photos, characters, or any English whatsoever BUT none of that is really necessary here. I like the fact that there are not any reviews of the grammar or English translations included in it because grammar was already covered in the textbook and would just take up space. As for not including English, I believe personally that at this level it's possible to comprehend all of the questions. This book immediately goes right into reviewing and I also really love that about it. No extra fluff to distract (which happens easily) or confuse me. The back of the book includes an answer key (not pictured here) for ALL the questions in the book and that fact alone makes me want to dance. I can't express how much I despise books that have practice exercises and don't include the answers. Fortunately, this is not one of those.

Overall, I give this workbook a 10/10. I'm a very critical person, especially when it comes to my books but this one just has everything I needed as a supplementary aid and it by far exceeded my expectations. I would recommend this book and the textbook together because they really do complete each other. They are fantastic for self learners and have helped me immensely.

Apparently, the workbook is also supposed to come with a CD, but for whatever reason, mine did not. I cannot review the CD because I have yet to get my hands one one ㅠㅠ.

[Book Description]

Page : 120 pages

- Size : 7.4 x 10 in ( 188 x 254 mm )
- Language : Written in Korean Language (Hangul)
- ISBN-13 : 9788973009220
- ISBN-10 : 8973009222
- Publisher : Ewha Womans University Ewha Language Center
- Contents : Book + CD

To purchase the workbook from where I did, click here. To purchase the textbook, click here.

This book was purchased by me and is not sponsored in any way, shape, or form. What's written here are my carefully formed opinions and by no mean reflect the publishing company or author. The photos here are also personally taken by me with no copyright infringement intended.

Monday, August 18, 2014

100 Day Challenge 8-18-14: 10 Vocabulary Per Day

I've decided to give myself a little push for the next few months by adding a challenge to my study schedule. I have such a difficult time learning new vocabulary because I either try to cram in 100 words in one sitting or I just can't be bothered with trying to learn new words at all. It's really a problem since there's not much I can talk, write, or read about if I don't expand my vocabulary. So I'll be picking out 10 vocabulary each day from various sources. Today in particular, I'm picking out from the book "Korean Vocabulary Practice for Foreigners" which I purchased about four months ago. I have barely opened it since I bought it, but it seems like it can be really helpful for acquiring new vocabulary. I haven't used it enough to review it, but in a week or so I should have broken it in a bit. Anyways, here are the 10 vocabulary words to start of my 100 days. I include the pronunciation of each word in brackets, details about what kind of word it is, related words, antonyms, synonyms, possible expressions, grammar usage, and examples.

August 18 - 24 Study Schedule

In order to keep myself on track with my studying, I need to make out a weekly schedule to follow. This method doesn't work for everyone and it may not even work for me. I haven't really written out an entire schedule for the week but I have followed a daily scheduled plan before so maybe it will work out. I'll be going to the library for at least three days a week in so that I can at be in an environment that I feel like studying in that is free of distraction. I'll also be choosing ten vocabulary words to learn each day. Those will be posted on a separate page each day.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Textbook Review: Ewha Korean 2-1 English Version

If you're looking for a book that contains enough information in to keep you actively learning for a few months and that is also small enough to carry around with a notebook, this may be the one for you.

Study Tips I Live By

When working out where to start with a language, or anything for the matter, it's always been hard for me to stay completely focused. Even if the topic is something I'm very interested in such as Korean. So there are are some things that I like to do that I think really help make what I learn in a single day, stick in my brain for as long as I need it to. So here is a list of those thing:

  • Have a variety of resources
    • I know that buying textbooks and reading material can be crazy hard to do when you don't have the extra cash to be spending. I'm exactly like that. But there are many resources that you can find easily online that are free and easy to navigate. Take a look at these resources I've gathered.

Friday, August 15, 2014

A Beginning Two Years in the Making

Starting out with a new language is difficult. Even more so when your learning it on your own. There even comes a point after you being learning where you're not too sure what level you're at or what you should be trying to learn next. That's where I am at the moment. I've been learning for about two or so years and at times I feel as if I'm at a higher intermediate level, but then there are times where I feel like a beginner who's back at the first step. So I've decided to make this blogger to document everything I can from here on out about my journey in learning Korean. I want to be able to post reviews of books that I've had a chance to try out and write about what has helped me thus far in learning what I do know. I'd also like to post some random things about conversations I have with my Korean friends, Korean Pop Culture, and any other Korean related topics. But mostly, I hope to talk about the Korean Language in general and help people over come hurdles that I may have already faced while learning.